Our Studio

Who Are We?

What Defines Us?

We are a Belgian indie studio and we cherish this identity.

As we are lucky enough to be self-funded, we can choose our own projects and maintain our freedom as we carry them out. We want to offer you unique gaming experiences while having fun in the process. We are ambitious and motivated. We want to explore innovative gameplays, new universes and creative stories.

In our studio, there is no room for ego, but plenty of space for individuality. Within our flat structure, each team member can find their own place within our shared vision. Finally, we keep a balanced, crunch-free work environment. We truly prioritize our team members’ happiness and health above all else.

Our Vision



Is our name just a funny acronym?

At BUG, we choose to develop our games based on the Bottom Up method. We start from game mechanics and build everything around them. This enables us to create an engaging gaming experience for the player, while still offering a coherent and unique world.

We truly believe that creating games is a collaborative and inclusive team effort. It seemed natural to us to go the extra mile and implement a Bottom Up management and decision-making process. To bring our vision to life, we build on our team’s strengths, ideas and individuality.



Have fun together, overcome challenges together whatever our background.

Whether it’s bringing back cooperative split-screen, or offering game nights with friends, our goal remains the same throughout: bringing people closer through multiplayer gaming.

We thrive on proposing gaming experiences where everyone can have a good time, whether they be veteran players or newcomers.

Game Feel

& Aesthetics

An engaging and rewarding experience for everyone

Input, response, context, aesthetics, … It’s all the little things that make playing a game a thrilling moment. As a small indie studio, we work hard to fine-tune these aspects to make our games an immersive experience. We design them so that a player of any skill level can master and enjoy them.

The aesthetic part of our games also plays a huge part in our creation process. It allows the story to fully deploy itself and complements the game feel.



TEchnical artist & animator

Before BUG, Olivier had fun creating new tools and solving all kinds of problems in the rigging team at nWaves Pictures. Hungry for new challenges, he wanted to take his ambitions even further and created Bottom Up Games.



Pierre is a multi-task developer whether it’s UI, network or game architecture. With unfailing positivity, he implements code and makes bad jokes faster than the speed of light.


3D artist & level designer

After working for a couple of years as an architectural engineer, Morgane has jumped into this new adventure with no desire to go back. Who can blame her? Designing environments without constraints is the dream of every architect!


2D & 3D artist

With a head full of ideas, a stomach full of coffee and a pencil never far away, Mathieu sprinkles some magic into our environments to make them come alive.