Hello everyone, The end of the year is upon us, and it’s time for us to share some final updates. This time around, we’ll discuss a key topic that has kept us busy over the past few months: cooperation!

DevTip : Faking Movements

Creating movement in a video game is extremely resource-intensive, and even more so when you want to deform an object.  While various techniques exist, given the ambitious goal of animating vast stretches of cliffs, I opted for the most resource-efficient solution: Materials.

Hello again everyone, As promised, we're back to share more of our visuals with you!

Hello Everyone, Today, we will delve into the core gameplay mechanics of our game. We’ll be also sharing insights into the gameplay loop, goals, challenges, and rewards!

We're back with some exciting news : We took part in in our second GMTK game jam!

Welcome everyone! We are excited to present our project's latest advances. We have made great progress since our last update.

Hello there ! We have some exciting news to share with you: our team has started the production of our first game!

Event : Year Overview

Happy New Year Everyone! It has already been a year since Bottom Up Games’s creation - time for a little review don’t you think?

On the weekend of July 17th, our team reunited to participate in our first game jam...