Event : Year Overview

Happy New Year Everyone!

It has already been a year since Bottom Up Games’s creation – time for a little review don’t you think?
Yes, one year has already passed since January 6, or day one of our studio. Since then, we have accomplished a lot even if our first game isn’t ready to be published yet.
We are quite happy with our growth over these past twelve months.
A year of building a team, a year of tests, tries, challenges, fails but also results.

So what exactly did we do?

  • We started with a first “Trash” game in Unity
  • We participated in the GMTK Game Jam… and finished 42nd out of more than 6000 participants !
  • We started to work on a second game – a real one this time, with the intent to publish it.
  • To take our approach further, and realizing that unity was not meeting our needs, we moved to Unreal and started to prototype hard.
  • We found a killer core idea and explored some cool visuals and fun mechanics to reinforce our vision for this game.
  • We’ve added one person to the team
  • We’ve consolidated our values and vision for the studio and years to come
  • We have learned to work together, manage ourselves as a team and discover our strengths and weaknesses
  • We’ve had a lot of ideas, motivation, way too much brainstorms, coffees, sugar and fun

A busy year, right? But it still left us with the desire to push our ambitions much further!
After an overly copious holiday and a few lighter days, we are ready to tackle the next year.

Our Goals for next year :

  • Publish our first game
  • Be more present on the Belgian scene
  • Organize ‘meet and test’ events to playtest our game and share it with you
  • Communicate more often about our accomplishements through devblogs, post on socials and updates on discord
  • Participate in another gamejam
  • Continue to grow

And of course

  • Continue to create games that we like

A great program that we can’t wait to tackle! So, are you ready to follow us for the next part of this adventure?